Viruses and dangers in mobile surfing

Just like the Internet, the cell phone has found its way into the fabric of our daily lives. Young and old alike, private individuals, employees and business owners, everyone owns at least one cell phone and it is hard to imagine our world and certainly the business world without this convenient and efficient work tool.

The cell phone is used by us as a main work tool and beyond its primary and basic function as a communication tool for scheduling meetings, etc., many use it as a diary, a tool for saving and transferring files and contents essential to the business, a tool for accessing business monitoring and control systems, and more.

The information on your cellphone is accessible to the general public and easily.

The amount and level of classification of the corporate information accumulated on the average person's cellular device is enormous and the absolute majority of the population, private individuals and businessmen alike, do not have a true and broad understanding of the nature of this information.

Beyond the things that are almost self-evident, such as the accumulation of messages (messages) you have sent and received over time, your phone book and all the information in it (email, addresses, etc.), your diary and basically any information you have saved on the device, there is other sensitive information Especially directly related to smartphones and their access to the Internet.

Access to your e-mail is accessible and hacked on your cell phone, when the username and password are saved in the system, so is access to additional accounts, starting with social networks and ending with access to the management interface of your business, basically to any account you connected to through the cell phone. The modern convenience and efficiency that your cell phone allows comes with a price, and that price can be heavy, especially when it comes to business and work matters, where discretion, not to mention secrecy, is often required.

The price is the surprising ease with which it is given track and spy on your cell phone And even break into it and pull from it every piece of information the hacker is looking for.
It starts with the sweeping approvals we give to various apps for our information, a routine installation approval operation that most cell phone users perform on a daily basis and without thinking twice.
This continues with applications that were created precisely for this purpose and provide comprehensive tracking services that include recording and listening to your calls, receiving a full printout of your text messages, access to all information stored on your device and of course tracking the movement of the device and in fact your movement and all this as a service provided at an accessible price and via the Internet.

Protect your mobile information
The hacking, tracking and spying software are advanced at a fast pace and repeatedly adapted to the most popular phones in order to cover as many audiences as possible and win customers.

Your cellphone is the target, and the more popular it is, the more sophisticated the attacks.

The owners of the iPhone, for example, which is operated by the iOS6 operating system, can be fully monitored through Internet services that allow not only the recording of conversations, but also listening to live conversations, full monitoring of IM services (Facebook, Viber, Skype, etc.), the activation of the microphone remotely While listening and recording the environment you are in (business meetings for example),
Tracking emails, general tracking, pulling all the photos, video and other multimedia files and more.

The Android is exposed to hacking and surveillance no less than the iPhone and between these two smart phones, which are the most popular and widespread in the world, the majority of businesses, employees and private individuals are fully exposed to surveillance of any kind and with ease.

The bottom line is your ads,
 Not only for the danger involved in managing businesses and employees through the cell phone, but also for the fact that there is a solution and it comes in the form of a warranty and taking all the necessary precautions to protect your phone, just like on the computer, because today the cell phone is a pocket computer for everything, especially for business owners and employees.

For mobile security solutions we will be happy to advise and help 077-7782800

Guinean team.

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