Cloud computing for business
The use of cloud computing services is constantly increasing in large organizations as well as in small businesses. Many businesses are interested in purchasing a server for their business for a variety of reasons: for the purpose of improving the network traffic rate, increasing the storage volume and buying a new server when upgrading to an old one. The purchase of expensive communication equipment for the needs of office work is done without a clear connection to the needs of the company, the meaning is, an increase in expenses for ongoing maintenance of servers, as well as an increase in electricity expenses, all this in addition to the direct cost of the hardware.
Consumption of services Cloud computing for business is currently on the rise in large organizations as well as in small to medium-sized businesses. Many businesses are interested in purchasing a server for their business for a variety of reasons, whether for the purpose of improving the network traffic rate in the organization, increasing storage volume, or in buying a new server when upgrading to old equipment.
The purchase of expensive communication equipment for the needs of routine office work is sometimes done without a clear connection to the needs of the company, which means a significant increase in the indirect expenses of the business on the ongoing maintenance of servers, as well as high electricity expenses, all of this of course beyond the direct cost of the hardware.
Company managers today have the responsibility to save resources, in light of the existing computing solutions with the development of the field of cloud computing services, it is easier to see the clear economic benefits in a focused and efficient utilization of the system resources in the organization and harnessing them to the changing needs of the company.
The name of the game today is control over the management of the existing resources in the business, their proper utilization can sometimes be the difference between a successful and profitable business and a wasteful organization.
Through the use of cloud computers, it is now possible to focus more or less computing power according to the exact level of demand while avoiding a considerable investment in one-time purchases of computing systems and software for temporary or permanent needs, such as buying servers and their maintenance.
As proof of the growing need for cloud computing services for businesses, KPMG, one of the largest international CPA firms in the world, published a survey called "Clarity in the Cloud". Among the survey subjects, over 900 senior managers from 15 countries, some of whom have implemented cloud systems In their businesses, and the rest of the surveyed, were basically defined as potential users of cloud technology or providers of this service.
From the results of the survey, the hypotheses about the increase in the rate of assimilation of the cloud technology were strengthened, it was found that the managers today see the advantages of using cloud computing services with increasing positiveness and expressed a high willingness to integrate cloud-based systems in the organization. Most of the managers who were surveyed regarding the future investment forecast, estimated that the investment in cloud computing will increase dramatically in the coming years, several managers even estimated that the investment in cloud computing technology will increase by 20% in the coming year in the companies they manage.
Companies that will invest today and convert some of their systems to cloud computing are moving towards an efficient, flexible and safer future with less risk of malfunctions and will also benefit from savings in time, resources and current expenses, thus significantly improving the business's competitive prospects and placing it at the forefront of technological progress.
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