Articles on information security

The Privacy Protection Law - you should take it personally

גיא הוכמן – מנכ"ל Genie  בעיכוב קליל ואופייני שנמשך שנים, אושר בקריאה ראשונה בישראל התיקון לחוק הגנת הפרטיות. החוק מגדיר את נושא הגנת המידע, מבטל

genie שירותי מחשוב לעסקים - וירוס כופר
Articles on information security

Protection from cyber attacks and ransomware virus

In recent years, cyber attacks have become common in the business market. The attacks cause serious damage to the organization to the point of bankruptcy. We believe that increasing awareness and caution are tools

Articles on information security

Ransomware questions and answers

E-mail is one of the main means by which the ransomware virus penetrates computers. How can I identify a suspicious email? An e-mail containing a virus will contain an invoice

אבטחת מידע - טיפים למשתמש
Articles on information security

Information security - user tips

Information security - user tips Information security is a wide world. Essentially, its purpose is one: protecting computer systems from risks that threaten them. in a way

טיפים להגנה על המחשב מפני האקרים
Articles on information security

Tips for protecting your computer from hackers

In this way, you will significantly reduce the chance of a hacker attack on your computer. None of us wants to fall victim to a hacker attack on our personal computer. Such an attack has capabilities

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Articles on information security

Is your computer really secure?

Is your computer really secure? Identity theft is a problem that has grown significantly in recent years. Today we can all take examples even from the credit card companies

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