Frequently asked questions about information systems

Frequently asked questions in the field of information systems

A key procedure is a complete methodology, i.e., tools and methods, which are designed to manage a software project from the moment of initiation, through going live and throughout the life of the information systems.

The method is based on a bi-axial process of building software, where on the one hand there are the development stages, which include: initiation, characterization of an information system, design, coding, testing, installation and maintenance. On the other hand, there are the stages of analysis: objectives, implementation, technology, realization and costs. The combination between the stages of development and the depth of the answers that are built in the analysis document, creates a uniform, managed and above all consistent infrastructure throughout the entire project. This method, which is made by Blue and White, is one of the best methods for performing information systems analysis.

This issue is complex. It contains many parameters, and we encounter essential questions about it. Here is a representative part of them:

Does genie carry out only some projects?

The answer is definitely: yes! At Genie Computing Services, there is no adherence to one and only working method. We have no problem simply initiating, or receiving an analysis of information systems, continuing from there and even managing a project - in which we were not involved in the selection of the systems and their characterization.

How long does it take to analyze an organizational system?

It really depends on the organization. There is an organization that can address the issue and complete an analysis in a period of one and a half months, while another identical organization will go through the same process in six months, due to the need to focus on the current work as well. An organization is a delicate fabric, and we think it is wrong to shake it. Our method is to work with the organization and bring it to the necessary products at its pace, and not necessarily at our pace. Therefore, the question of pace is an organizational one, and as a planning arm of the organization we take it upon ourselves to lead it in its entirety to the end point.

My ERP system is old. Is it wrong to upgrade it directly?

This is a question that many organizations are debating about, and our opinion on the subject is very clear. If a system works, there is no need to fix it. The question is: does it really work?

As information systems become obsolete, users find "creative" ways to deal with software limitations, which often result from the very development of the organization. Therefore, it is possible that the tool that was suitable for years, is no longer so suitable for the organization in its current form. In order to make sure that you choose the correct version, you must perform a system analysis. Even if at the end of the day, the organization purchases the new version of the application, it will do so out of choice and knowing that this is the right solution for it.

Is there a difference between the analysis of your systems and the analysis of a software provider?

A software provider who performs a system analysis, checks your organization, when in front of his eyes is the software he sells for its limitations. Therefore, naturally, the analysis will be biased according to the capabilities of the software. When we perform a system analysis, we focus on the business needs of the organization, from which the software needs are derived, and not the other way around. Hence, not every software or software provider is suitable for every organization.

We are here to make sure the choice is right; Something that saves a lot of headaches down the road.

What makes Gini a suitable partner for us?

This is probably the question of the questions and the answer here is simple. We believe that, in the end, business is done between people who speak the same language, and between whom chemistry has been created. Everything else helps to introduce a rationale, which will explain subjective decision-making.

You can check Gini's list of successes, it is unequivocal! You can get to know our teams, easily get an impression of their abilities and, above all, hear opinions from customers who have already done it with us.

The right combination between the highest level of service awareness and uncompromising professional support is at the core of Genie Computer Services' activity.

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