Information systems project

Replacing an information system is a complex process that requires proper organization and professional guidance. There are no shortcuts here, and to do it right, you have no choice but to go through a number of fixed steps:

  • Analysis of desired information systems
  • Search for information system alternatives
  • Choosing an information system
  • Negotiation
  • Implementation project - implementation of an information system

Information Systems Analysis

Before checking what is available in the software market, the business needs and desires must be defined. It must be remembered that the function of the software is to help maintain the business processes of the organization, and not the other way around. In order to define the requirements and needs of the organization, we use an information system analysis tool. At genie, we perform systems analysis according to a key procedure, and work according to the following steps:

  • Goals - what are the organization's goals, problems, business strategy, expectations and capabilities?
  • Implementation - the core business processes; How the organization operates and how it wants to operate, understanding its needs and desires
  • Technology - what are the existing infrastructures, and what is the technology available for this?
  • Implementation - how will we implement the long-awaited solution, how will we implement and guide it, what will we have to be careful of?
  • Costs - the cost structure, software, hardware, training, implementation, maintenance, service and more

At the end of the information systems analysis process, the organization has at its disposal a perfect analysis for an information system that suits it exactly.

Search for alternatives
Now you can start looking for the appropriate software tool, and we will devote a lot of thought to this.

Since we will be contacting several suppliers, it is important that we build a document that speaks their language, and one that everyone will also answer in a similar way. This kind of document is called: RFP, and it means: request for a quote. The document is distributed to the relevant suppliers, from whom responses are received regarding their ability to meet the requests and requirements. After that, a price offer is received that includes all the components of the project. Since it is necessary to check in depth what each provider wrote, what he meant and why not, we conduct a comprehensive comparison for the purpose of checking the information system we want.

Choosing an information system

We lay out the suppliers' answers in comparison tables, and then perform an operation called: cost-benefit analysis, after which it will be possible to see which of the suppliers' proposals is preferable.

The next step is choosing an information system. The customer has to choose his system, and we are here to assist him. Therefore, focused presentations of the suppliers are held, visits are organized to customers who operate the potential software, and in addition, we hold internal discussions on the subject. At the end of the day, a decision is made on the order of negotiations - that is, who is the first preferred supplier and who is the last. This is how we choose the information system.

Negotiation with suppliers

Negotiating with a software vendor is not just a financial financial move; The practical significance of the negotiation is: what will the customer receive, at what price, how will the solution be implemented, what are the conditions the supplier is obligated to meet, how will the system be maintained in the next ten years, what will happen if the supplier is purchased by another company and what will happen if the system breaks down.

This stage brings to fruition all the work devoted to the analysis, the price offers and the selection of the alternative. More than once, we witness that all the effort goes down the drain, due to focusing only on the price issue and not on the content issues. At Gini, we accompany the entire negotiation process, as we stand together with you, for you and for your benefit. The negotiation process can last about two months or even more; Such a process can be stopped and started with the next supplier. In any case, the result of this step is the signing of a contract agreement that binds both parties, so it is carried out carefully and strictly.

Information system implementation project

As customers, the implementation project should bring you to a situation where you succeed in implementing the solution you have chosen for your company.

The last sentence is really not self-evident. Every organization has its own pace and problems, the current tasks it faces and a staff that is used to working in a certain way. Despite all these, we want to change existing habits.

We did not forget that there is also a software house, which comes to implement the system and confronts problems that require solutions on behalf of the organization. which was not planted for a moment; Installing, changing, replacing or upgrading information systems, is an organizational change, and therefore not self-evident. In order to face all the internal and external tasks, we at Gini are establishing a project manager, who meets regularly and deals in real time with all the decisions and events that occur on the path of implementation. In this way, we manage to navigate the process in a measured and controlled manner - to the lines of success in the information system implementation project.

How is the system replacement project in Gini going?

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In conclusion
An information system is a need for organizations to deal effectively in a competitive market. Choosing the system, as well as correctly analyzing information systems and leading the organization to use it, are not simple tasks that require professional knowledge and experience. At genie, we hold the knowledge, tools and experience, and put them fully at your disposal.

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