DLP system to prevent data leakage

Iron Dome for business continuity

Cyber terrorism is constantly looking for new loopholes in your information security system. As data backup and recovery systems have become sophisticated and challenging, hackers have begun to invest their best talent in data theft attacks that have become more frequent and painful than ever. DLP - a data leakage prevention system, may save you from the next information event.

We all know that a cyber attack in an organization is a clear and immediate danger to business continuity, but it turns out that in small and medium-sized companies, the statistics are simply startling: about 60% of the companies that experienced a cyber incident that included a leak of business information, stopped their activities within 6 months!

Information leak attack - irreversible damage

Since time immemorial, hackers have invested most of their efforts in the weakest link in the organizational information security system. As the backup systems became more sophisticated and now include Immutable backup - a backup that cannot be changed, they had to recalculate a route and found what they were looking for in data theft attacks. An attack in which sensitive information such as technologies of products under development, customer information and valuable digital assets are leaked from the organization, easily copied, distributed on the network and may cause irreversible business, economic, technological and image damage.

DLP above and beyond backup and encryption

DLP - Data Loss Prevention is a software that monitors the organizational data according to policies, procedures and permissions that you have defined in advance and allows you to:

  • Identify unauthorized access attempts to the corporate network
  • Identify internal and external threats and block them
  • To prevent leakage of information and intellectual property inside and outside the organization
  • control the transfer of data throughout the corporate network
  • To prevent information breaches created maliciously or in good faith, as a result of human error
  • meet regulatory requirements

Does your organization need DLP?

The DLP system is a critical component of the information security strategy and is a significant pillar in the prevention of information incidents in any organization that owns valuable intellectual property and its leakage endangers business continuity, such as companies operating in the fields of technology, science, medicine, insurance and finance that hold sensitive data, organizations that are obligated by law to protect on the privacy of customers or organizations subject to various regulatory requirements such as GDPR and HIPAA

Don't wait for the next information onslaught. Integrate a DLP system into your information security strategy

that will protect you from the devastating consequences of leaking business information.

Want to know more? Genie's data security experts are here Here for you

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