For small-medium businesses, the transition to the cloud requires loving handholding / IT NEWS
An ironic paradox lies at the heart of the most important dilemma in the current generation of enterprise information systems architecture, how to move to the cloud safely. On the one hand:
Enterprise companies and large organizations think that they do not need to migrate to public platforms, because they can build and professionally maintain their private clouds themselves - and if necessary, they are also not deterred by the capital investment and operational overheads of a private data center. But in the meantime, most of them prefer to sit on the fence and not wake up old dogs, not make waves and not challenge themselves in managing changes.
On the other hand, SMB companies in Israel make up at least 85% of the volume of the economy and business activity, want to move to the cloud but do not always know how, and when, which services to consume in a cloud model and what is better left at home. The difficulty comes from the fact that looking at the virtual server price list or cloud storage unit rental fees do not reflect real costs, TCO. This is "tunnel vision" that blocks the impression of the contribution of components outside the Data Center, such as communication.