An excessive sense of panic has been felt in recent weeks in Israel

An exaggerated sense of panic has been felt in recent weeks in Israel, as hackers with flashy and mysterious names threaten to bring down the Israeli economy through hacking into important websites of leading business entities in the economy.

While the media was mainly concerned with hacking the websites of large companies, there was an ignorance of all those thousands of small and medium-sized businesses that are widely exposed to hackers. It's no secret that big businesses invest the best of their money and resources
in information security, so the chance of them being hacked is not great. Small and medium-sized businesses, such as manufacturing plants, law firms, and import and export trading companies, which are the core of Israel's business activity, are the most vulnerable and the most hacked. Based on the information we have, in the current attack more than 100 small and medium-sized businesses were affected, and the most significant damage is that such an intrusion leads to the shutdown of the business for several hours. This is 10-24 hours of downtime until the systems are returned to normal operation. This leads to high and immediate financial damage to the customer. These businesses have a problem of awareness of the issue of information security (which is not the same as in large businesses), and they set aside a limited budget for dealing with the issue.

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