טיפים לתקלות נפוצות - ג'יני שירותי מחשוב
Tips and common mistakes

Adding folders to the list of locations for quick saving

When you save a new document in one of the Office applications, a list appears on the right side of the save window that allows quick access to different locations on the computer. The items in this list are determined automatically

טיפים לתקלות נפוצות - ג'יני שירותי מחשוב
Tips and common mistakes

Tips for common Windows XP problems

How to protect your home computer better - and for free! If you are connected to high-speed internet at home, you most likely do not have a firewall protecting your computer. To

Articles on information systems

Implementation of a corporate erp system

Implementing an erp system in the organization. Important highlights and possible problems Over the past few years, the ever-increasing need for one large computer system to manage all the needs of the various departments of

מערכת erp - ג'יני שירותי מחשוב
Articles on information systems

erp system - who is it suitable for?

erp system - who is it suitable for and do we have to implement everything? I will point out in advance that countless articles and books have been written on the subject of erp systems, and I do not intend to contradict these excellent contents.

Articles on information systems

Frequently asked questions about information systems

Frequently asked questions in the field of information systems A key procedure is a complete methodology, i.e., tools and methods, which are designed to manage a software project from the moment of initiation, through going live and throughout

Articles on information systems

Information systems project

Replacing an information system is a complex process that requires proper organization and professional guidance. There are no shortcuts here, and to do it right, you have no choice but to go through several steps

ספידי גונזלן
from the media

Speedy Gonzalen

For the freaks of the Formula 1 races who grew up on Alan Frost, it is recommended to be informed, that there is an Alan in the local arena as well. Not Frost yet, but Alan Sedvnik has the pace

אבטחת מידע - טיפים למשתמש
Articles on information security

Information security - user tips

Information security - user tips Information security is a wide world. Essentially, its purpose is one: protecting computer systems from risks that threaten them. in a way

טיפים להגנה על המחשב מפני האקרים
Articles on information security

Tips for protecting your computer from hackers

In this way, you will significantly reduce the chance of a hacker attack on your computer. None of us wants to fall victim to a hacker attack on our personal computer. Such an attack has capabilities

האם המחשב שלך באמת מאובטח?
Articles on information security

Is your computer really secure?

Is your computer really secure? Identity theft is a problem that has grown significantly in recent years. Today we can all take examples even from the credit card companies

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