Keyboard shortcuts for use in Explorer

Using the keyboard is sometimes more convenient and faster than using the mouse.
For keyboard users instead of a mouse - here are some effective shortcuts:

F2       Rename the selected folder or file
F3        Search
F4        Displays the combo box in Explorer
F5        Refreshing the display
F6        Bouncing the cursor between parts of the explorer
F10        Moving the cursor to the menus
Shift + F10 Like right-clicking with the mouse on the highlighted item
Alt+Enter Opens the properties of the selected item
Crtl+A Selecting all the contents of a particular folder
Ctrl+C copy (file or folder)
Ctrl+V paste (file or folder)
Ctrl+Z Canceling the last operation
Backspace One folder up
* + Numlock Expands all folders under the highlighted folder
Numlock + left arrow Closes selected folder
Numlock + right arrow Expands a selected folder


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