Is Apple really that perfect?

Is Apple so perfect? Probably so.
Today Apple is considered one of the largest technology industries in the entire world and in the world of computers in particular. If until a few years ago Microsoft were the leading company in the market, the invincibles, with whom competition was useless for competitors, Apple arrived and tried to change the situation and the hegemony of Microsoft. Apple has become the leading manufacturer of computing tools in the USA, has made a name for itself and specializes in the production of stable products of excellent quality, and in another subject that for many of us is no less important - the design.

Apple began its great growth immediately with the arrival of a new CEO named Steve Jobs. From a company with very few sales, Steve Jobs turned it into one of the most successful and profitable companies in the world. The company's turnaround began immediately with the release of the iPod, a player A particularly successful multimedia with a unique interface, which you can find in almost every person today. Even today, Apple continues to release new models for each and every one of its products at a dizzying pace. Many people today believe that Apple is the best computer manufacturer in the world, producing products with a high quality and a longer life style. But is it really so? Have we gotten a little out of proportion? Or maybe it's just that Apple got a little dizzy from the success?

Even at the beginning of the sale of the famous media player, the iPod, many buyers came and complained about problems with the system. These problems have always been there, but due to the rate of development of the company and becoming the symbol of success of the computer world, many of us probably ignore it completely. Many others argue that this is one of Apple's development methods. Along with producing new models quickly, the company will be able to get buyers to buy more. With a limited time lifestyle, the buyer will come and buy another, newer product. is it true? It will be hard to know.

There is no doubt that Apple does not specialize exclusively in multimedia players. Apple specializes in every product it releases. At least that's what we thought. Somehow, Apple decided that they are also entering the world of communication and decided to produce the iPhone, a sophisticated cell phone, which, with its special design and technological tricks, will be used by the buyer for daily communication needs. But even in it the users found many deficiencies. If it's the delicacy of the device, if it falls, the chance that it will survive is not really great, and if it's in its features. For example, they found that it is not possible to use the existing song on the device as a ringtone, but that you must purchase a ringtone separately from the company's website.

Apple released the first iPhone about a year ago. The iPhone was presented at a large exhibition, broke hearts and equally broke the box office. Apple sold an incredible amount of iPhone units and within one single day the iPhone was already sold out of all the company's stores.
Each unit was sold for about 400 dollars in the United States. A few months ago, the company decided to release the third generation of the iPhone which allows functions that the first generation does not allow and this is not the only advantage. Another important advantage is the price. The new iPhone is currently sold in the United States for half the price of the first model. This surprising change causes anger among the firm's loyal customers.

If you expected that at least in the new iPhone, the company would fix many defects as a lesson from the old one, you were wrong. A number of defects were also found in the new model. The new model provides very simple problems, such as slow Internet browsing and synchronization services that do not work properly. On top of that, this model has major reception problems and customers complain that it is difficult for them to find reception points in order to communicate. Customers who complained that the device does not work on the train, for example, were told by Apple's service centers that they should switch the device to flight mode and try again.

Due to the rapid production and release of products to the market, compatibility problems between the old and new models are also revealed. Let's take the iPod for example. Many buyers of the older models have complained that they cannot find different accessories for the device because the company currently sells accessories for the new models only. Therefore, users have to find different solutions, or simply buy a new model or some update to the old model, an additional expenditure of money. Is this again a certain trick of the company? Of course, the company does not admit mistakes, so it is difficult to report the percentage of casualties.

In many parts of the world, it was reported that some iPod models overheated, emitted sparks and even caught fire. Apple confirmed the situation, saying that these are individual models where the situation may happen, but with the introduction of the new models, the problem no longer appears. Apple does not usually report problems in the first place, so it is not known if the company knew about the problems before the products were sold or if it only received the information from private complainants. Along with this, complaints were also received about cables that crumble and are not insulated, which cause many problems in synchronizing the device and even cause it to heat up.

Apple is known for its various ways of avoiding admitting mistakes. The company will never release a message to the media about its various problems, but will resolve them with the consumers only. Instead, the company will find a nice way to beautify the faults and as a solution will turn to future version updates and even future products.

Many news stories and articles made the manufacturers at Apple aware that the company can indeed delete software from the various iPods wirelessly remotely. legal? Not sure. But even regarding this issue, the company did not think to inform its customers.

Another problem with Apple's products is the compatibility of various software with its products. Not every software can enter your Macintosh (Apple's type of computer and operating system) or your iPhone or iPod devices. Apple is very careful about filtering software that wants to update the operating system on the company's various computers. Of course, this can be seen as an advantage, but in many cases this issue also creates a limitation among users who cannot find suitable software for their work and for their personal needs.
On top of that, the company maintains its rights and allows the sale of these software exclusively in the company's stores, which of course maintains exclusivity but also makes buyers buy in the company's stores as well. It's not bad, but of course it makes the products cost more.

You can find Apple products in a few other chains besides the company's private stores. However, the company reserves the right to remove its products from any store and at any time, whenever it wants without giving any explanations.

And now that I have opened up to you many different faces of the perfect Apple, let me ask you a question. Despite everything, how does the company manage to conquer the hearts of its customers every time? I think I can say it in one word - design. The person responsible for design in the company is Jonathan Ive, and if we are talking about it, then we can say that he is also one of the main people responsible for the development of Apple and its large revenues. Abe, who is defined in the company as the chief designer, is responsible for the design of the iPod player, and of the company's various computers. Many believe that he is also the one who will replace CEO Jobs when the time comes.

Abe is also responsible for the design of the iPhones, and with him, Apple managed to break the hearts of customers. The iPhone offers many functions but does not exceed the quality of any advanced cell phone today. Moreover, it even lacks many functions that are not present in new and advanced cell phones today. But it is important to note that none of them are designed like the iPhone. So why again do customers go ahead and buy, did Apple just grab the name of the future company? Is it the replacement of Microsoft?
There is no doubt that the company has broken the trust of its customers.

In conclusion, Apple is really no longer just a manufacturer of computers and media players. Apple did not win the hearts of its customers because of its mistakes. There is no doubt that Apple has a lot to offer. However, one must remember that they are also not perfect and it is always worth doing comparisons and tests before purchasing a product. I'm also a big believer in big names, because there's no doubt that a big company didn't just get a big name. However, comparisons can in many cases open our eyes.

Check, compare and only then decide.

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