Stop a print job

Did you accidentally send the wrong document for printing? Did you want to print one page from the document and by mistake the entire document was sent?

You don't have to compromise with the waste of ink and paper - with a short action you can stop the printing job in the middle.
When sending the print, a printer icon appears in the taskbar, near the clock. To stop the printing process, double-click this icon. The window that opens shows all the documents that are currently on their way to printing, which are currently being printed.

Click on the print job you want to cancel using the right mouse button, and select the option "Pasue Printing", to stop the print job temporarily (if you are not sure, for example...), or on "Cancel" to cancel it.

You can also cancel all print jobs at once by selecting the option
"Cancel All Documents".

It is advisable to remember this process by heart, in order to perform it quickly in case of need.

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