Consulting for raising awareness of the organization for security risks

Consulting for raising awareness of the organization

Studies prove that cyber terrorism bases its activity on human weaknesses and unfortunately, the data on the ground proves this every day.

Most of the cyber attacks aimed at businesses - malicious, harmful, spies and viruses of all kinds, succeed in penetrating the information system, thanks to an employee or manager who in good faith clicked on a phishing message in the form of a link or file received by email, or opened a permission to a customer or supplier, did not immediately close it at the end The execution of the operation thus created a convenient loophole for the attackers.

From now on, even if you have invested a lot of resources in purchasing and implementing advanced solutions to protect your corporate information, the path to harming the information security system and leaking information that could seriously damage the reputation of the organization and even lead to its collapse, is shorter than ever. Therefore, it all starts with education and this is exactly where Genie enters the classroom and helps you fortify your last line of defense: the human factor.

Employees are the last line of defense against a cyber attack, but they are also the weakest link. Genie's annual training program accompanied by attack simulations will raise their awareness of the dangers and prevent the next attack.

Genie strengthens the weak link in Cloud information security

Genie's consulting program to raise the awareness of employees in the organization to the dangers in the cyber space, will provide you with a powerful educational and preventive tool that will allow you to reduce information security incidents, protect your digital assets and business interests.

The annual training program to raise awareness of security risks will be customized to the work environment, the nature of your organization and the level of threats you face. As part of it, Genie's security experts will lead an annual training program that includes a series of lectures and information sessions to raise the awareness of the users of the information systems of the various risks and give them knowledge and tools to identify links and files suspected of being phishing messages.

PhaaS PHISHING as a service for examining the improvement in ads

Throughout the accompanying period, Genie will perform simulations to examine the awareness and vigilance of the employees. These simulations will be conducted by Genie's manual, semi-automatic and automatic test tools which will send seemingly innocent messages to the employees' email boxes, accurately simulating common attack methods. An employee who clicked on the "malicious" link or file sent to him, will immediately receive a notification that he has opened a phishing message in a simulation and will receive instructions on how to avoid a similar case in the future.

At the same time, Genie will monitor employee behavior and provide you, the decision makers, with a summary document with a concentration of findings, statistical data and learning curves that reflect the rate of increase in employee awareness of the risks inherent in opening suspicious files and links.

ייעוץ להעלאת מודעות הארגון

Don't wait for a data disaster to put your business at risk, upgrade to Genie DRaaS today

For more information and a quote for an annual counseling and support program

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