GSafe Cloud backup for businesses

How does a cloud backup service work?

GSafe Business Cloud Backup works completely automatically. This is through backup software installed on all the client's stations. The backup is carried out under 256bit-AES encryption. In addition, we know how to compress all the information added that day and send it to advanced and dedicated cloud backup servers.

Cloud backup service for businesses - for small and medium businesses for the purpose of providing a comprehensive professional backup solution, for peace of mind throughout the year.

What are the advantages of cloud backup?

The genie cloud backup system allows direct access to information from any computer with an Internet connection. The system supports all existing operating systems (Windows, Linux, etc.) and all existing databases.

Gsafe is a cloud backup system for businesses that includes professional customer service and human response 24 hours a day, every day of the week. The system allows direct and immediate access to information in the event of a disaster and the daily backup of the data is carried out without human contact.

The backup is carried out to a remote and secure site and the information is saved in a compressed form and with the highest level of encryption in the world. In addition, a secondary underground backup is performed for double security.

Why genie?

  • Because of the uniqueness
    Many companies offer good remote backup services. At genie, you don't know the concept of "good", you only know "excellent! With us, the backup is carried out in the unique EUR cloud server of its kind in Israel, which is installed in an underground structure and guarantees a double power supply and a secondary backup system for any trouble that may not come, so that even if the earth shakes, Your information is protected.

  • Because of the experience

    There is no substitute for experience, and genie has the best backup and information security personnel experienced in their field. The extensive knowledge we have accumulated over the past 18 years, we have applied and will continue to apply in front of hundreds of satisfied customers, who are aware of the quality capabilities and absolute results of our backup services. Ask them, they already know.

  • Because of the professionalism

    The backup services offered by genie meet the strictest standards in the worlds of information security, so you can definitely rest assured that your information is encrypted and safe from any malicious entity, and is in the best hands.

So instead of stressing, it's better and simpler to contact our backup experts. They will be happy to meet and offer you a quote adapted to the size of your business. You choose the amount of backup volume and the specific package adapted to your requirements, needs and budget. This. Our cloud will take care of remote backup for you, the data is not lost, only your headaches.

GSafe שירות גיבוי ענן לעסקים, שיתוף קבצים


A remote and secure information center with direct access and immediate availability of information in the event of a disaster. An advanced system for data encryption and an information storage system with a maximum survivability of about 99.999% which includes a remote, secondary and underground backup system.

GSafe שירות גיבוי ענן לעסקים, שיתוף קבצים

More backup

Remote backup and restore from any network connection. Ability to restore earlier versions of files. A unique compression algorithm prevents load on the system. The organization's activity is uninterrupted even during a backup. Backup open files, SQL Server and MS Exchange.

GSafe שירות גיבוי ענן לעסקים, שיתוף קבצים

More control

Automatic daily backup without the need for manual activation. Fast and simple installation without hardware. Daily and detailed summary report. Availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Backup task frequencies can be changed at any time.

Let the cloud take care of you

Cloud backup with GSafe as part of managed services for businesses.

We put together a professional backup system for your business. Uncompromised and with perfect encryption. You can sleep soundly and enjoy comprehensive support and human monitoring of backups from professionals. We have put together a professional backup system for businesses. Safe backup with perfect encryption, including comprehensive support and control Humane of backups from leading professionals.

so what are we doing?

At genie, the backup is carried out in a unique cloud for businesses. Your information is stored in an underground structure with double power supply. Includes a secondary backup system for any trouble that may arise, so that your information is always protected

In addition, the remote backup system allows:

  • Restoration of files immediately directly from the backup server from anywhere there is a computer with an Internet connection.
  • Remote restore option for early versions of files up to 30 days back. Saving unlimited personal copies.
  • Automatic cloud backup and also safe cloud computing for businesses thanks to an advanced encryption system and a personal encryption key for each user.

Interested in hearing more details about the service? » Remote backup
More information for professional cloud backup software for businesses »  for cloud backup software for businesses
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