Questions and Answers Gsafe

Cloud backup software - Backup services - Frequently asked questions Remote backup

Frequently asked questions about cloud backup service with GSafe remote backup software

GSafe is an automatic cloud backup software designed for backing up all types of files and all operating systems. The software takes the information intended for backup, encrypts and compresses it with a personal encryption key and then sends it directly to a secure server with a secondary backup system in a farm monitored 24/7.

The answer to that is: nothing. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. The installation is performed by our people.

Remote backup is performed automatically and immediately without user intervention compared to tape backup which requires a support person, locating the tapes and finally retrieving the information which may take time and sometimes it is necessary to wait for an exchange between tapes if necessary, compared to immediate restoration with the click of a mouse in the case of cloud backup. A backup that is carried out away from the business preserves the information in the event of disasters such as: fires, floods, theft, power outages, human errors (not on us) and more.

GSafe remote backup software supports the following systems: Windows, Linux, Mac, UNIX, All Java platforms, NetWare Exchange 2007 Outlook, MS SQL, Oracle, Lotus Domino/notes, MySQL, SharePoint, Hyper-V, VMware in combination with CRC DATA systems to control the integrity of the information on the server side.

Yes. The information is encrypted and secured in SSL according to the encryption key chosen by the user (password), the information is compressed and encoded in AES 256bit and only then is it sent through the backup software in 'encrypted' mode to the remote server. Our level of encryption is equivalent to the strictest information security standard used by banking institutions, militaries and government bodies (the US government uses this method for classified documents).

For information security reasons, access to the information will not be possible at all without using the correct encryption key and cannot be restored without the password.
Therefore, it is important to know the password at all times, without it the information cannot be restored back to the computer.

The remote backup time is a direct derivative of the upload speed on your broadband, however, after the initial backup, from that moment only the deltas (only the changes) that have been changed since the last backup will be backed up, so that in practice the load on the network bandwidth is small, and the work routine is maintained.

You can install the cloud backup software on as many computers as you want. The only limitation is the amount of volume you set in the backup package.
The software is designed to work in perfect coordination with laptops and with all common operating systems.

There is no limit to the amount of information that can be sent to the cloud and the principle is that the more information you send, the price you pay per GB will decrease accordingly. The smallest package starts from 5GB and the largest package is not limited by any amount of volume.
In any case, it is recommended to ask for an accurate quote on cloud backup, for the real needs of your business.

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