Changing a server - not a simple story (common problems and highlights in changing servers)

The server is a main player in everything related to the storage and maintenance of information in various institutions and organizations. Its importance to the organization is critical, if only due to the constant need for quick and smooth access to the databases found in it by various parties. The server is often required to simultaneously deal with a large number of access requests to the same databases. From this it can be concluded that such a server must be reliable, strong and fast, in order to store the large amount of information, save it, and of course make it available for the benefit of the authorized employees of the organization at any time.

An average server should provide good performance for at least 4 years. After that, it will enter a period where it may experience malfunctions with a higher probability, and its reliability gradually decreases. The server's age may certainly be one of the considerations for its replacement. Additional reasons why the replacement of the server in the organization should be considered are: a problem of lack of volume for storage (due to the constant increase in the total volume of information of the organization), a problem of availability of the server in relation to the number of employees who need it (of course, as the number of users increases, the availability of the server decreases). The lack of availability is reflected in the fact that the flow of the information requested from him is slow and even tends to get stuck frustratingly.


When you wake up and see her, one of the problems described, but natural, is to consider the possibility of changing the server. At the same time, understandable
For everyone, the change of the server means first and foremost the complete unavailability of all information for all parties in the organization, for a necessary period of time during the change of servers. We try to reduce that time window as much as possible. Beyond the time required to carry out the replacement, during which, as mentioned, there is no access to information in the organization, one must take into account, related faults, which may occur due to the mismatch of the new server, as well as interface problems between the new server and external applications with which it is required to communicate. Often, the malfunctions in the new server arise from the peripheral equipment it needs for its current work. Thus, compatibility problems of the router, switch or modem, to the server, incorrect configuration settings, incompatibility in the software versions, etc., may further delay the continuation of the current work in the organization with the new server.

Due to the likelihood of the existence of those faults arising from the very act of replacing the server, and the difficulty of predicting the length of time that will be required until it is possible to return to work fully with the new server, it is advisable to seriously consider the necessity of its replacement and of course the effect of the replacement on the systems surrounding the server. For example, if the consideration for replacing the server arises due to a lack of storage volume, it is recommended to consider adding disks or replacing the old disks inside the server with disks with a larger storage volume. If the server falters, is slow, and tends to hang, it is recommended to carefully examine the integrity of its operating system and the integrity of the associated software installed on it, and make sure that no unnecessary software has been installed on it that burdens its activity. Sometimes updating a version of the server's management software or performing a downgrade and returning to the previous version (in case a version update was performed), can return the server to a normal work rate.

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