The most destructive virus in the world

A few days ago I received a strange email that strongly warns against an email that may reach me with a virus that is hidden inside a graceful postcard, and that virus is supposed to burn my hard drive. Also, the email says that Microsoft claims that it is the most destructive virus ever created and was discovered by the famous anti-virus software McAfee and both McAfee still have not found a solution.

This email was sent to millions of people around the world and I guess a large number of you received the same email, and were just as scared as I was.

So let's put things in order:
If you receive an email that seems somewhat suspicious, it is recommended not to open it, many times these are viruses and other pests or an advertisement for Viagra/Cialis. I highly recommend using effective anti-spam solutions to avoid inconveniences.

Some of the viruses distributed via email (the example of the virus that attacked Facebook) may be sent by a friend or one of
Your contact, so if you suspect - don't be ashamed to pick up the phone and make sure that the contact did indeed send the same email on purpose.

And now let me get back to the weird email thing.
After some research in the dark alleys of the Internet, I found out that this email that has been circulating on the net for a few weeks warns of a virus-bearing email with the title "Postcard from Hallmark". Apparently, according to information written on quite a number of websites, it is a fictitious chain letter, an urban legend, and it is likely that none of you will actually receive the message that carries the most destructive virus ever, but And I emphasize but, if you receive this email do not risk opening it!

So we learned 2 important things today:

  • Never, but never open a strange email that you didn't expect, it may contain malware that will harm your PC.
  • Chain letters are usually a scam, and always at the end of the letter will be written something like "if you don't forward the letter then", which causes us to send the letter in absolute hysteria to our loved ones who will send them to their loved ones and everyone will spend a few minutes to understand what the hell they want from them.

And this is Wikipedia's definition of the term: chain letter
A chain letter is a letter that includes a message asking the recipient to make several copies of the letter and pass them on to additional recipients. A chain letter can be considered a type of meme. Common methods used in chain letters include emotional manipulation through heartbreaking stories, get-rich-quick pyramid schemes, and exploiting superstitions to threaten the recipient with bad luck, violence, or even death if they dare to "break the chain" and not forward the letter.

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