Static electricity - can this also harm my computer?

Static electricity discharges are a very common thing in our daily life. The human body transmits static electricity when we walk to our car, when we blow up a balloon or even when we open a door. These are few types that do not affect us much. Maybe we get a little scared, but we forget about it after a moment. If a static flash at this level does not affect our body, what happens inside our computer is a completely different story.

Every time we open the outer packaging of the computer, we must be aware of the static dangers that await us. As everywhere that creates friction, even inside our computer there are many particles that create friction, which in many cases are not even visible to the eye, and even they may cause a static market.

How can we prevent this? Here are some steps that will help us:   

First it was said that it is not a bad idea to purchase an anti-static strap. We place such a strap on our wrist and what it actually does is isolate the electric current from our body. Because the human body is also an electrical conductor. It is recommended that you follow the instructions for use before using any of these strips, but they can definitely help. The strips can be purchased at electrical and construction stores. If you know that you have a lot of work ahead of you in front of the open computer, even a small rug under the work area can help.

Of course, we know that these strips are not a very common thing, so even if you don't have them, it's not the end of the world. Let's assume your computer is grounded. You can also ground your personal body by keeping only one hand in contact with the iron frame that surrounds the computer from the inside. This frame obviously conducts electricity and placing both hands on it may cause the static shock to accelerate, so it is better to avoid it. Another important thing is to disconnect the power cable from the power source. It is even recommended to check if there is a small switch on the power supply and change it from active mode to inactive mode, but in any case it is recommended to remove the cable from the power source.
Never work on an open computer while the computer is running!

If your computer is connected to a splitter to which other electrical devices are connected, it is highly recommended to disconnect it as well. If there is an on and off switch on the splitter, you can also change the switch to the off position. Another thing that will help your computer stay grounded is some kind of conductive connection from your computer to the ground, just like you do with cars, and even with the human body. Again, it is recommended that under this there be a rug or some object that is isolated from the floor.

The average person's body can absorb about 25,000 volts of static discharge. It sounds like a lot, but don't check yourself. It is very important to follow the rules when dealing with an open computer. This does not mean that a computer can absorb 25,000 volts. Such damage can significantly damage your computer! Your memory cards are the most sensitive parts to static discharges and can be significantly damaged resulting in many error messages and blue screens. Therefore, you must invest in preventive measures, your computer will thank you. If your computer is cold, try to bring it to room temperature. Static emissions are much more common in cold and dry weather. And the most important thing, do everything with moderate judgment and logic.


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