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The Privacy Protection Law - you should take it personally

גיא הוכמן – מנכ"ל Genie  בעיכוב קליל ואופייני שנמשך שנים, אושר בקריאה ראשונה בישראל התיקון לחוק הגנת הפרטיות. החוק מגדיר את נושא הגנת המידע, מבטל תקנות מיושנות ומקנה סמכויות משמעותיות יותר לרגולטור באופן שמתקרב לחוק הפרטיות של האיחוד האירופי (GDPR), אך עדיין לא מעניק לאזרחים שליטה מלאה בשימוש שנעשה במידע שלהם. במאמר זה אעסוק בעקרונות […]

Backing up this information is important. But... what about the recovery?

גיא הוכמן

Would you agree to store all your capital in the basements of the most secure bank in the world, in the most advanced safe of its kind, knowing that at the moment of truth, when you need money urgently, there is no guarantee that you will have the key? Guy Hochman - CEO of Genie Computing Services As a business owner, you are aware of the importance of backup, which is why you chose one of the backup systems offered on the market. You make sure to back up your business information [...]

LAZI virus in small and medium-sized businesses - a clear and immediate danger to business continuity

Many small and medium-sized business owners are suffering from the LAZI virus ("it-won't-happen-to-me") which calls into question their ability to survive a cyber attack. Is your business also infected with this dangerous virus? Guy Hochman - CEO of Genie Computing Services every day I Meets small and medium-sized business (SMB) owners and naturally, the issue of ransomware attacks, which has recently received a lot of media exposure, immediately comes up. To my surprise, many of them […]

Managers in a changing reality

The vaccines are already here, the atmosphere of the end of the course is already felt in the air, but the effects of the corona virus on the business world will not disappear in the foreseeable future. This is how you will prepare for the next day. Guy Hochman - CEO of Genie Computing Services The corona virus took us all by surprise. As business owners and CEOs of Hafchi Haim, we were required to come out of the shock, to abandon most of the conventions we knew about "how our business […]

Working properly from home

You can also work properly from home. The corona crisis that surprised us all and shook the IT world, proved once again that the human race knows how to prepare well, for the previous wars. For the first time in modern history, company and business owners who prepared for all possible DR scenarios found themselves in offices equipped with advanced computer systems, but empty of employees. The corona virus presented us at genie with a complex professional challenge and we were happy to meet […]

Business continuity strategy - an effective vaccine for businesses against external influences

תכנית המשכיות עסקית

The rapid spread of the corona virus has presented us with an unfamiliar scenario, which challenges our ability as company and business owners to preserve our business activities and makes us all start to miss the virtual viruses... this is how you maintain business continuity despite unexpected threats. Business continuity is an issue that worries business owners all over the world, therefore many of them prepare in advance for damage to the information infrastructures and organizational databases [...]

Online elections? Maybe when the politicians stop making promises

בחירות מקוונות? עדיין לא, למרות כל הכוונות הטובות

Israel 2020 - Startup nation, a world leader in the cyber field that developed the Iron Dome and almost reached the moon, but still conducts elections with archaic ballots. Why is the country not moving forward to online elections? Imagine another election day. You get up in the morning, enter the "Israel Chooses" application using your smartphone or computer, identify yourself using your ID card number, receive a verification password in a text message and click […]

Cloud computing: not everything. Not at once / IT NEWS

Created on 04.05.15 "There is no doubt that the cloud computing model offers companies and organizations a more attractive alternative than relying on a traditional server center," says Guy Hochman, CEO of genie. "In two to three years, the cloud will be the central platform for information systems for most businesses in the world and in Israel. But it is impossible to 'jump' into this situation overnight, without organization and intermediate stages. As of today, this is a worldview that is [...]

10 on the DR scale – DR solution for businesses

A strong earthquake is no reason for a business to go through a shock and lose valuable organizational information. Organizations that did not invest in business survival after similar scenarios - were significantly harmed. Predicting the exact next quake is a bit problematic; Defending against it is necessary and not complicated. 12 times over five days - this is the interim balance of the earthquakes that struck Israel [...]

Leave the squeezing for the fruits

Like many others, I also watched the news this week that extensively covered the "Moroccan sting" - as the Israeli police called it; The wave of extortion attacks on Instagram, which has so far affected a large number of Israelis who have fallen victim to extortion of thousands of shekels, under the threat that sexual videos in which they participated - will be published in various places. The method is simple, but we still haven't done enough [...]

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