What is the URL we surfed to?
It often happens that when browsing certain websites - the address in the address bar of the browser becomes long, complicated and full of numbers and signs that are not so clear. For the most part, there is no problem with this, since we know where we surfed and what we expect to find there. But - in many cases, especially when buying products over the Internet, it is advisable to make sure once more that we do indeed hand over our credit card data to the website to which we intend to hand it over. Cases are known in which hackers faked websites that look completely identical to the original website with the intention of stealing credit card numbers from surfers who were sure that they had reached the right website.
To verify the short and real address of the website you are currently browsing, copy the line below into the browser's address bar, and press Enter. A small window will pop up with the URL of the website that is currently open in the browser. If the address is the one you intended to surf to, you can continue buying, refresh yourself...
javascript:alert("Actual URL address: " + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/");